This time, I am going to tell about the four seasons food.
First, I recommend to foreign people Chirashi-zushiin spring. There are tow kinds in Chirashi-zushi. One is just putting some ingredients on vinegary rice. The other one is mixing ingredients on vinegary rice. Japanese eat them when we go to see the cherry blossom viewing. So it is good to fun the Japanese food and beatiful views.
In summer, I reccomend Nagashi-Somen. Somen is famous for Japanese summer food. It is perfect to be cool and refresh in hot humid days. If foreign people want to male some good memories, Nagashi-Somen is the best way to be fun.
In autumn, I want to introduce Matutake-gohan. This smell is good and familiar for japanese. However for Europeans and Americans, it is not familiar with this smell. It is said that this smell is like a smell od Army's socks or smell of parson who don't take a bath for a long times.
In winter, I want to recommend Shabu-Shabu. This is Japanese pot food. It is good for the party generally. Sauce is Gomadare or Ponzu . Eating with Tonyu is Japanese custom too. So they can enjoy the Japanese taste.
If you want to know more about japanese food, let's check this site.This site tell you good old Japanese food:)